Today I wanted to share something VERY near and dear to my heart.  I have seen this effect my own life and have watched it effect others lives.

Did you know that our emotions that we feel and actually effect and change our DNA?  Think about it. Our emotions cause chemical changes in our bodies and it’s those chemical changes that effect our DNA.

Have you ever heard the phrase “feelings buried alive never die?”  There’s actually a book titled that by Karol Truman.  This really speaks to my heart because like I said before I have dealt with emotions that have buried alive.

There have been times in my life that I have had physical symptoms (ie headaches) that have been emotionally driven.  There was one time after I had learned about this that I was driving to see my parents and half way there I got a VERY intense headache.  I realized then that I had a lot of penned up feelings about going there.  When I lived there as a child that was the hardest time of my life.  Without going into detail I would get these headaches every time I would go out there.  I had Louise Hay’s app on my phone “heal your body A-Z” so I looked up headaches and said the new thought pattern she recommended which was “I love and approve of myself.  I see myself and what I do with eyes of love.  I am safe.” Just saying that over and over as I drove and doing some tapping on my sternum while saying it by the time I got to my parents my headache was almost gone.

So you ask how do I control this? Well my first thought is be aware of it.  We need to be in tune with what we are feeling so we can did those feelings up and deal with them.

Second thing is we need to be ready and willing to deal with them when they come up.  Sometimes this can be almost unbearable because it is so painful but, as you are willing to do this you will get true healing.  One thing that can assist in releasing these buried feelings in Cypress essential oil. I want to give a warning here.  If you are not ready to deal with your emotions DO NOT use Cypress oil because it breaks the dam whether you want it to or not and if you are ready to deal with your issues it will only cause more anger.  Also never use it on someone else that isn’t ready.

When you are ready to deal with your issues there are several things you can do.

1. Journal about it.  This will help you draw all of it out.  As you do this ask yourself “is that all?” until you don’t have anything else come up.  Remember it’s easier to fight the dragon when you can see it.

2. Let yourself FEEL.  Some emotions that we feel are negatives.  Allow yourself to feel angry or sad or hurt.  Whatever it may be.  Like I said let yourself feel what you are.  Feeling it won’t kill you but burying it will. SLOWLY!

3. Buy some essential oils. Learn how to use them for emotions and do it.  One thing to remember is you will want to make sure your essential oils are pure unadulterated oils.  That’s why I choose DoTerra essential oils.  I know they test every batch they produce and are very strict with their growers on how they grow their plants and when they harvest them because all of that matters when it comes to quality.

4. Get some guide books.  If you have no clue how to go about this you will want to get some books that teach about this.  “Feeling buried alive never die” and “Emotions and Essential oils” are both great books.

5. Maybe this one should have been first but I didn’t list it first.  Start with YOURSELF.  The more you know and learn the more you can help your friends and loved ones.  This has been a great blessing in my life as I have been able to help my own children.  One example of this is with my daughter playing sports.  She’s not the star of the team so a lot of the time what she adds to the team gets overlooked and disregarded.  This has effected her confidence and belief in herself.  I have been able to teach her what oils to use to protect her from things that are said to her and also oils to help her believe in herself.  WOW!  It feels AMAZING to be empowered and to empower my kids!!!!

I hope this touches someone’s life and helps in someway even if in a small way.  I know that by small and simple things great things will come to pass.

If this has touched you in any way I invite you to get the essential oils that you will want to move forward by going to or you can call me at 801-554-4344 and I can personally help you.  If I don’t answer please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Also please share this as you know others that could benefit from this.  I want to create healing in people’s lives.  There truly is a better way.