Weight loss journey

2019-05-25T04:23:15+00:00April 15th, 2020|Categories: Weight Loss|

A friend of mine typed this up, I found it so true and inspiring. I’d like to share a little story. Once upon a time I had a relationship that was very unhealthy and a bit abusive. I allowed this relationship to determine my value. Whatever it told me, I was willing to believe. I let it tear me down and decide my worth. I allowed this relationship and the thoughts surrounding it to decide my ability to talk to others. It decided my confidence level. […]

Weight loss journey

2019-05-25T04:22:58+00:00April 1st, 2020|Categories: Weight Loss|

Good morning everyone.  I had one of those light bulb moments this morning as I was reading.  I am a firm believer in personal growth.  So here is my thought and a story that was shared with me that validated my thought.  Maybe the story fit because I twisted it in my mind , but I hope it makes as much sense to you as it did to me. Who of you would LOVE to reduce your BMI? How many of you that responded “yes” to […]

Keep going

2019-05-25T04:22:44+00:00March 15th, 2020|Categories: Immune System, Weight Loss|

When you have no energy because your body is trying to heal itself and putting the extra energy you had into that how do you keep going? I have been sick the last few days and I really want to go to yoga this morning.  I am still tired because my body is still fighting the infection.  I have to interject at this point and say how thankful I am that I have essential oils on hand.  If I hadn’t had them I’m sure I would […]

Why I want a healthy lifestyle

2019-05-25T04:22:14+00:00March 1st, 2020|Categories: Energy, Immune System, Weight Loss|

There are different ways each of us learns lessons in life.  Sometimes we have to learn them from our own experiences and sometimes we can learn them from others. Ten years ago I had my last son.  During my pregnancy weird things were happening to me (ie I had a continuous cough and strange pains) and the doctor told me I was allergic to being pregnant.  I thought he was off his rocker but he put me on some allergy medicine and the symptoms went away.  […]

Weight Loss journey

2019-05-25T04:21:59+00:00February 28th, 2020|Categories: Weight Loss|

I think this topic resonates with so many people and that is why I started sharing my experiences openly with all of you.  I am going to start doing a series of google hangouts starting next Wednesday. Here is the link if you want to join https://plus.google.com/events/cnpaepgqlagrdmb5hinmhap6lq4 or you can watch it later on YouTube. I will post the link after the hangout. Ok here is the link to the video: <iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/_Jia2UF2blU” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>   Please leave you comments or feedback.  I would […]

Weight Loss Journey

2019-05-25T04:21:43+00:00February 1st, 2020|Categories: Weight Loss|

I have had a few people ask me to post on update on this so here goes.  For most of us this is a never ending journey.  I’m sure that’s the way it will be for me.  My husband and I just had this conversation just the other day.  Creating a lifestyle for good health can be challenging especially in our world of fast food and quick meals.  So what is a solution to all of this.  We live a very busy lifestyle as most of […]

Healthy eating for weight loss

2019-05-25T04:29:25+00:00November 15th, 2019|Categories: Diet tips, Weight Loss|

Fruit is a good option for a snack that is portable so it’s quick and easy to grab.  Here is a list of fruits for you to eat.  some are easier to eat than others.  Eat them fresh as often as you can and try to make sure they are organic. apples apricots bananas grapes kiwi lemons/limes papaya cranberries (great on salads) Pears peaches plums all berries Enjoy your fruit and remember it may be better for your body to eat it with a protein so […]

Weight Loss

2019-05-25T04:29:42+00:00November 1st, 2019|Categories: Diet tips, Weight Loss|

Today I wanted to share a list of vegetables to help bring to your mind more options that you may not think of. Common ones that are eaten are green beans carrots celery cucumbers broccoli Less common ones you might want to consider are asparagus arugula beets egg plant cabage brussel sprouts cauliflower fennel jicama kale olives sweet potatoes swiss chard turnips Remember fresh or frozen are your best options with fresh being your best.  When at all possible eat organic.

Weight Loss

2019-05-25T04:33:55+00:00August 17th, 2019|Categories: Weight Loss|

Hey everyone.  I was just reminded about something my coach told me and I had to share. What goals are you setting?  Is it to exercise 5 or more days a week? Or that you are going to cut out sugar when looking at what you eat? Before you set these goals look at where you are right now.  How much sugar are you eating each day?  How much soda do you drink in a day?  How much do you exercise right now? The best way […]

Weight lose journey

2019-05-25T04:17:36+00:00July 15th, 2019|Categories: Weight Loss|

I have tried so hard to eat well and found one of my triggers in a BIG way.  My husband and I just had a little stress moment and the first thing I thought of “I need some chocolate.”  How’s that for you when you’re trying to eat good.  At least I recognize this trigger and and can find ways to deal with it.  Using the grounding blend is going to be on the top of my list.  The second oil that I will be using […]

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