Weight Loss journey
I think this topic resonates with so many people and that is why I started sharing my experiences openly with all of you. I am going to start doing a series of google hangouts starting next Wednesday. Here is the link if you want to join https://plus.google.com/events/cnpaepgqlagrdmb5hinmhap6lq4 or you can watch it later on YouTube. I will post the link after the hangout. Ok here is the link to the video: <iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/_Jia2UF2blU” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe> Please leave you comments or feedback. I would […]
Weight Loss Journey
I have had a few people ask me to post on update on this so here goes. For most of us this is a never ending journey. I’m sure that’s the way it will be for me. My husband and I just had this conversation just the other day. Creating a lifestyle for good health can be challenging especially in our world of fast food and quick meals. So what is a solution to all of this. We live a very busy lifestyle as most of […]
New Year’s Resolutions
Today I wanted to share with you some things you can use to support yourself emotionally during this time of change. Most of us know what triggers us to overeat or do any other self destructive behavior. I use the example of overeating because that is a very common one and I myself can fall into this trap. So how do we support ourselves emotionally? I know a few oils that can support in this and I would love to share them with you. My first […]
New Year’s Resolutions
As we start working on our goals that we set at the beginning of the year we can do great for the first few weeks especially when it comes to fitness. Gyms and businesses that sell fitness equipment know this and count on it. They know either the membership or equipment will get used for a month then our commitment to getting healthy seems to dwindle. Why? Let me offer a few reasons why and you can decide if it fit you or not. 1. You […]
Weight Loss Journey
Well it has been awhile. I have gone through the ups and downs of eating healthy and have trained for a relay race. Eating has been an interesting journey that I have a love/hate relationship with. I love healthier foods now but still have cravings. When I have broken down and eaten sugar I love it but that just leads to more cravings. One day I broke down and ate a hamburger and found I didn’t enjoy it as much as I used to neither did […]
Healthy eating for weight loss
Fruit is a good option for a snack that is portable so it’s quick and easy to grab. Here is a list of fruits for you to eat. some are easier to eat than others. Eat them fresh as often as you can and try to make sure they are organic. apples apricots bananas grapes kiwi lemons/limes papaya cranberries (great on salads) Pears peaches plums all berries Enjoy your fruit and remember it may be better for your body to eat it with a protein so […]
Weight Loss
Today I wanted to share a list of vegetables to help bring to your mind more options that you may not think of. Common ones that are eaten are green beans carrots celery cucumbers broccoli Less common ones you might want to consider are asparagus arugula beets egg plant cabage brussel sprouts cauliflower fennel jicama kale olives sweet potatoes swiss chard turnips Remember fresh or frozen are your best options with fresh being your best. When at all possible eat organic.
I just wanted to share a quick tip that may help you sleep better. How much more can you accomplish when you get good sleep? I know for myself I can be A LOT more productive throughout the day (because I don’t want to sit down or lay down every 2 seconds) and I am MUCH happier throughout the day. Just ask my family they will testify how much better life is for them when I get enough sleep too. I know that lack of sleep […]
Why Fiber?
Why should we eat fiber in our diet? Let’s start with what fiber is. I thought I knew what is was until I read a book from my daughter’s college nutrition class and then I realized all I knew was how to get fiber. I knew you needed it to control your blood sugar because I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia. Here’s the nuts and bolts about fiber. “Fiber as a class is mostly made up of polysaccharides, but they differ from starches insofar as the […]
We all tend to know that we don’t get enough vitamins in our diet especially if we are eating a lot of processed food. So how can we get enough? Increase our fresh raw vegetable intake is a good way but there seems to be lack even with that. Our food has been genetically altered to the point the nutrient level has dropped significantly. I choose to take doTERRA lifelong vitality supplements (LLV) to boost my mineral and vitamin intake. Why? Because they are whole food […]